Full time
Biodiversity Officer (채용시 마감)
2025-02-18(화) 00:00 ~
2025-03-31(월) 23:59
Biodiversity (Senior) Officer 채용
WWF(세계자연기금)은 하나뿐인 지구의 환경오염을 막고 생물다양성을 보전하며 인류가 직면한 기후 위기에 대응하기 위해 전 세계 100여개 국에서 활동하는 세계 최대 자연 보전 기관, 글로벌 NGO입니다.
Biodiversity Officer는 생물다양성 분야의 오랜 역사를 가진 WWF에 소속되어 멸종위기종과 서식지 보전 프로그램을 기획, 실행 및 관리하는 역할을 수행합니다. 또한 업무 수행을 위해 정부·기업·NGO 등 주요 이해관계자들의 협력을 이끌어 내고, 관련한 연구와 정책자료를 바탕으로 WWF의 자연 보전 전략을 수립하는데 기여합니다. 멸종위기과 서식지 관련 직접 업무 경험을 선호하나 필수사항은 아니며, 생물다양성에 대한 전반적인 지식과 프로그램 기획/실행 역량을 갖춘 분의 지원을 기다립니다.

- 채용 인원: 1명
- 포 지 션: Biodiversity (Senior) Officer (멸종위기종과 서식지 보전 프로그램 기획, 실행 및 관리)
- 팀 / 부서: Sustainability Programs 팀/Business & Policy 부서
- 고용 형태: 1년 계약직 (근무 평가를 바탕으로 계약 연장 및 정규직 전환 가능)
- 근무 조건: 연 18일 휴가, 주 1회 재택근무, 시차출퇴근제 및 장기근속자 안식휴가 제도 등 운영
- 근 무 지: 한국WWF 오피스 (서울시 종로구 종로 47 SC제일은행본점빌딩 15층)
- 직무 내용:
기본 역할 및 포지션 목표
The Biodiversity (Senior) Officer is responsible for planning, developing and implementing endangered species and habitat conservation programs. S/He develops integrated Conservation Strategy, Program, and Action Plan for addressing the threat of endangered species and habitats. S/He carries out the program to achieve WWF goals and effectively manage stakeholder relationship to maximize the impact on protecting endangered species and habitats in Korea.담당 업무
Position and Job Summary
1. Program Development and Implementation- Identify priority species and habitats by analyzing research and monitoring data to design high-impact conservation programs with clear objectives
- Implement and manage conservation programs, ensuring alignment with WWF global and Korea office strategies while overseeing technical, administrative, and coordination tasks according to the work plan
- Engage external experts and organizations to support the program development and implementation. Collaborate with other WWF teams including corporate partnership, marketing and fundraising, to promote and strengthen conservation programs
2. Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Partnership- Build and maintain networks with various stakeholders including government, affiliated agencies, academic groups, local communities, NGOs, businesses, and international institutions to support planning and implementation of conservation programs
- Develop and manage strategic partnerships through regular interaction with key stakeholders to foster collaboration and enhance WWF-Korea’s conservation impact
- Strengthen WWF-Korea’s presence and credibility in the local/regional conservation community, shaping national, regional, and international policies, practices, and conservation outcomes
3. Strategic Planning and Leadership- Advise and guide conservation strategies, policies and resource allocation for conservation programs, ensuring alignment with the priorities of government, businesses, international institutions, and NGOs
- Identify gaps and opportunities in fundraising, research and monitoring, and mobilize resources to strengthen conservation efforts
- Assess WWF’s opportunities and impact in local and regional conservation, advancing WWF’s zero extinction goals through thought leadership and strategic engagement
자격 요건
[Knowledge]- Bachelor’s degree (higher degree preferred) in biology, ecology, environment, animal science, forestry, or related fields
- 3~10 years of experience in project management, conservation, sustainability or a related field
- Good knowledge of the Korean regions and species conservation
- Ability to design and manage conservation programs
- Strategic ability to build external partnerships, strengthen capacity, and build teamwork
- Experience in leading and implementing endangered species conservation programs, with strong technical knowledge of species and biodiversity conservation, including policy, management, sustainable use, wildlife crime, and major threats to endangered species
- Work experience with/at national organizations related to biodiversity conservation
[Skills]- Excellent team player with good networking and interpersonal skills
- Native in Korean, and professional level in English
- Effective computer and office tools skills
[Attitude]- Identifies and aligns with the core values of the WWF organization: Courage, Integrity, Respect & Collaboration
- Excellent team player with good networking and interpersonal skills
- Ability to work unsupervised in a rapidly changing environment
- Passion for sustainability and nature conservation
- Proactive attitude and ability to take initiative and work independently
우대 사항
- Experience in field work
- Strong network with government agencies, academia, local communities, NGOs
- 채용 절차
서류전형 > 1차 실무면접 > 2차 임원 면접 > 최종 합격 - 서류 접수 및 문의: 한국WWF 채용 담당자에게 지원서 이메일(recruitment@wwfkorea.or.kr)접수 및 문의
1) 국문 이력서
2) Motivation Letter in English (Cover Letter)
3) '개인정보 수집 및 이용 수칙 동의서' (Agreement on the Collection and Usage of Personal Information) – 첨부파일 참조 - 접수 마감: 수시 모집으로 채용 시 마감
◈ 면접 대상자에 한하여 연락을 드리는 점 양해 부탁 드리며, 한국WWF 채용에 관심을 가져 주셔서 감사합니다. 또한, 지원 서류에는 주민등록번호를 기재하지 말아 주시고, 첨부하는 증명서에서도 주민등록번호가 노출되지 않도록 숨김 처리 후 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 이전글Digital Marketing Officer (채용시 마감) 25.01.24